Exam 1

  • Due No due date
  • Points 50
  • Questions 27
  • Time Limit 60 Minutes


1 Exam

Chapters 1-2; pg 2-81

The exam will be composed about 25 multiple choice and 25 matching. The matching will be map identification, so make sure you study the maps on the MasterGeography website that I posted!


  1. Identify the different components of globalization, including their controversial aspects.
  2. List several ways in which globalization is changing world geographies.
  3. Describe the conceptual framework of world regional geography.
  4. Summarize the major tools used by geographers to study Earth's surface.
  5. Explain the concepts a metrics used to document changes in the global population and settlement patterns. 
  6. Describe the themes and concepts used to study the interaction between globalization and the world's cultural geographies.
  7. Explain how different aspects of globalization have interacted with global geopolitics from the colonial period to the present day.  
  8. Identify the concepts and data important to documenting changes in the economic and social development of more and less developed countries. 
  9. Describe those aspects of tectonic plate theory responsible for shaping Earth’s surface
  10. Identify those parts of the world where earthquakes and volcanoes are hazardous to human settlement and explain why casualty rates from those hazards differ from place to place
  11. List the factors that control the world’s weather and climate
  12. Describe the major characteristics and locations of the world’s major climate regions
  13. Explain the greenhouse effect and how it relates to anthropogenic global warming
  14. Summarize the major issues underlying the international controversy over reducing emissions of greenhouse gases
  15. Define the concept of fossil fuel proven reserves and explain the socioeconomic factors that influence the amount of fossil fuel reserves
  16. Describe the world geography of fossil fuel production and consumption
  17. List the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of renewable energy
  18. Identify the causes of global water stress
  19. Describe the characteristics and distribution of the world’s major bioregions
  20. Explain the reasons behind deforestation in both tropical and higher-latitude forests


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