Exam 2

  • Due No due date
  • Points 100
  • Questions 56
  • Time Limit 90 Minutes


2 Exam

Chapters 3-6; pg 82-295

The exam will be composed of 50 multiple-choice worth 1pt each, 45pts of labeling, and 1 long answer worth 5pts. The labeling will be map identification, so make sure you study the maps on the MasterGeography website that I posted!


  1. Describe North America’s major landforms and climate regions
  2. Identify key environmental issues facing North Americans in the 21st century and describe how these relate to the region’s resource base and economic development
  3. Explain the major ways in which people have modified the North American environment
  4. Summarize the three most important periods of European settlement in North America
  5. Identify major migration flows in North American history
  6. Explain the processes that shape contemporary urban and rural settlement patterns
  7. List the five phases of immigration shaping North America and describe the recent importance of Hispanic and Asian immigration
  8. Provide examples of how cultural globalization has shaped the region
  9. Describe how the United States and Canada developed distinctive federal political systems and identify each nation’s current political challenges
  10. Describe the role of key factors in explaining why economic activities are located where they are in North America
  11. Explain the relationships among elevation, climate, and agricultural production in Latin America, especially in tropical highland areas
  12. Identify the major environmental issues of Latin America and how countries are addressing them
  13. Summarize the demographic issues impacting this region, such as rural-to-urban migration, urbanization, smaller families, and emigration
  14. Describe the cultural mixing of European and Amerindian groups in this region and indicate where Amerindian cultures thrive today
  15. Explain the global reach of Latino culture through immigration, sport, music, and television
  16. Describe the Iberian colonization of the region and how it affected the formation of today’s modern states
  17. Identify major Amerindian groups today and their efforts toward territorial and political recognition
  18. Identify the major trade blocs in Latin America and how they are influencing development
  19. Summarize the significance of primary exports from Latin America, especially agricultural commodities, minerals, wood products, and fossil fuels
  20. Identify the important energy sources for Latin America and how they have shifted since 1970
  21. Describe the neoliberal economic reforms that have been applied to Latin America and how they have influenced the region’s development
  22. Differentiate between island and rimland environments and the environmental issues that affect these areas
  23. Summarize the demographic shifts in the Caribbean as population growth slows, settlement in cities intensifies, emigration abroad continues, and a return migration begins
  24. Explain why European colonists so aggressively sought control of the Caribbean and why independence in the region came about more gradually than in neighboring Latin America
  25. Identify the demographic and cultural implications of the massive transfer of African peoples to the Caribbean and the creation of a neo-African society in the Americans
  26. Describe how the Caribbean is linked to the global economy through offshore banking, emigration, and tourism
  27. Understand the limited energy resources of the region and why renewable energy and exploration of offshore sites are important for Caribbean economic development
  28. Explain the difference between social and economic development and suggest reasons why the Caribbean does better in social indicators of development, compared to economic indicators
  29. List the characteristics that make Sub-Saharan Africa a distinct world region
  30. Summarize the major ecosystems in the region and how humans have adapted to living in them
  31. Describe the factors that have made wildlife conservation and tourism important aspects of the region’s economy
  32. Explain the region’s rapid demographic growth and describe the differential impact of HIV/AIDS upon the region
  33. Describe the relationship between ethnicity and conflict in this region and the strategies for maintaining peace
  34. Assess the roots of African poverty and explain why many of the fastest-growing economies in the world today are in Sub-Saharan Africa
  35. List the major resources of the region, especially metals and fossil fuels, and describe how they are impacting the region’s development
  36. Summarize various cultural influences of African peoples within the region and globally


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